Monday, September 22, 2008

The tradeshow display peddling battle

After meeting with my friends (and former colleagues) Ted and Kristin over a few of McMenamin's Finest and some grub, I learned that there is a ton I don't know about the Internet. Along with my growing knowledge about trade show displays and the like, I also have an even greater learning curve when it comes to the medium that helps me "Git R Dun."
It was great catching up with both of them and picking their brains about how to optimize the business and move on up the Google ladder legitimately.
I was also bummed to find out that McMenamin's switched their seasonal beer from the delicious Copper Moon to the somewhat more tart Scarecrow ESB. I guess it could have been worse...they could have switched to a Golden or something like that.
After a couple hours of listening to Ted spout off about SEO and backlinks, not to mention his wife and kids, I decide to then take some notes. His advice was incredible and is already helping me in my quest to get to the top of the Google list with my Web site, Shop For Exhibits. It's always good to keep friendships with those who know more than you about technical issues. It's also good to have a friend that is willing to share his knowledge...just as long as there are a few cold beers in it for him.

I have absolutley no problem obliging him!

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