Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Advent of My Trade Show Display Retail Empire

Being a fan of the english language and loathing mathematical equations, I don't find myself writing as much as I should anymore. It used to be an outlet, like writing short stories and lyrics and such. So when I got a new job working for a Web site that sells trade show displays, I figured it would be a good time to document my rise to prominence from the get go.
I'm three weeks late with my chronical, but better late than never. This business is going to be a part of my life...kinda like my family or watching old re-runs of Quantum Leap.
So why would you want to read my stories of peddling banner stands, pop-up displays and hybrid displays? Because I'm going to make it interesting enough. Or maybe I'll just use this blog as an electronic diary.

Who knows.