Yes indeed.
The day that everybody, especially those fine Canajun gents in Loverboy, is looking forward to. And yet here I am at 4:00 in the p.m., writing a blog entry on a beautiful, sunny day. Perhaps I need a nap. Yeah, that's it. Get a little lazy and unwind from the week. If the wife and the dog can do it, why can't I?
Well I can't. I have to keep working.
You see, there is much to be done. This entrepreneur is not going to take the easy route of bailing early on a Friday! Oh no, I'm working until......4:30, darnit!
Tonight looks like a night out on the town with wifey, something we haven't done in a while. Dinner at Harborside, a walk on the waterfront boardwalk and then maybe a nightcap somewhere else. As long as we can enjoy ourselves and not have to worry about anything or anybody, we'll have ourselves a good time. We always do.
It's been a very eventful week and I look forward to the relaxation of the weekend. I want to rest as peaceful and carefree as my doggie. Just look at that picture. Sometimes I think he's part human.
So why am I writing a blog entry you ask? I ask myself the same question. I mean, I could be starting my weekend early, knocking back a couple of cold, cold ones. But I'm not. I'm quasi-disciplined. Plus I don't have any cold, cold ones in the fridge. That's not a good thing. Maybe I'll make myself some crazy rum concoction with the Flor de Cana that my mom brought me back from Nicaragua last month. It's the 7-year, you know.
In all honesty, I think the reason why I'm writing something drab is to avoid messin' around with my site. I've been at it all day, pretty much non-stop and writing is an escape outlet....a release. A way to get my mind off of trade show displays for at least a couple of minutes.
I promise to write something more interesting in the next post. I'll get into some trouble over the weekend and use it as an excuse to write!
Yeah....that's the ticket! Trouble..with a capital "T" that rhymes with "P"......
Ah you get the point!
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